Friday, June 11, 2010


the monsoons have been playing a tantalizing game for a few weeks now. intermittent downpours and showers, leave us thinking its FINALLY here. and then it goes back to being bright and sunshiney. but the days when it rains, it really rains. and everything around me becomes a gorgeous verdent green. i cant get my eyes off it.

yesterday was one such day. i was lucky to have a meeting atop the hill at dona paula. as i drove up the winding road, i realized how everything was so fresh and pretty. nothing can give me an insnant high like good weather + lovely drive + great music can. and that can be such an instant mood upper!

on the way back, i could see the sea beneath me, off the edge of the hill, with rolling greens along the hillside. a sight i havent seen in an indian city before. lush. green. pretty.

i drove to the market. theres something about the rains that cleans out the air and gives everything a pristine sparkly look. the market was a delectable mish mash of bright colors and liveliness. everything looks fresh and yummy.

just when i thought the evening couldnt get any better, we ended it with a swim in the drizzle.

pure bliss.

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